Friday, June 20, 2008

My encounter with the rat kind...

Rodent especially rat are the most unlikely beings on this earth that I ever will like. And from my experience with them you definitely can’t blame for not liking them and their kind. First of all they are messy and cause the most population. Did you know that the ratio of rats to a person is almost 3:1? Which means that for every person on this earth there are three rats. Which also means that rat population is thrice as much. Just thinking about them gives me the creeps.
Second of all, I don’t think they are as intelligent as they are portrayed in movies (specifically in Mouse Hunt). Because if they were smart they wouldn’t just walk in the traps as they usually do. Well some might turn up to be exceptions.
Thirdly they really don’t like us. I can’t blame. The feeling is mutual. But as I said there are exceptions because my mother had taken liking for this small rat, who apparently had taken liking for Complan-the energy booster (milk mix). But still it had to go. It died because its head got caught in the trap. Not a pretty site at all. Can you imagine my mother also shed a few tears for it? Well my mother can be very sentimental.
In our religion it is bad omen to kill a rat. Since it is supposed to be our God’s pet. (In reality a rat is supposed to be the vehicle of Lord Ganesha.) I must say (though I didn’t believe in the omen stuff) it did turn out to be a bad omen for my brother, who killed a rat that had taken residence in our attic. It turned out that this rat had a partner (spouse I suppose) who took his vengeance against my brother by chewing off the wire of the keyboard of his computer and completely disabling the speakers before dying. And the latest foolishness of the ratkind was when it took swimming, for a change, in a bucket of water as early as four in the morning, without taking prior lessons. What did it think itself to be - a dog? The idiot made it easy for us to flush it down the toilet.

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