Friday, June 20, 2008

Log entry 24, 25 Jan 2008

Log entry - January 25, 2008

Fact of life: It doesn’t forget to give you certain unforeseen shocks now and then.

Things I learned today:
1) “I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.” - Mark Twain.
2) When good things do cross your way out of the blue, do not lose an opportunity to enjoy them in full. You don’t know when they might come to you again.
3) It is only in difficult times that you realize how selfish you can be.
4) People that are elder to you in age and those whom you work for have an advantage of our respect and fear, respectively, to make us do their in convenient duties (in other words to clean up the mess they had created.)

Log entry - January 24, 2008

Fact of life: Life gets difficult everyday.

Things I learned today:
1) The person that gives you hard times at work place will make sure he does it everyday. That person is normally your boss.
2) If he promises you a certain challenging work besides tolerating him, he makes sure you remember, “Promises are meant to be broken.”
Just goes to prove that Oscar Wilde was right in saying, “The only way I can keep a promise is by not giving one.”

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