Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pride and Prejudice.

There are some movies that unintentionally tweak places deep in your heart and make you think twice, about things you wouldn't have otherwise. Makes you look at people in your life in a way you never have before. Makes you look at yourself and your actions and reaction. Makes you account for everything. It's like a splash of ice cold water on your face to wake you up from deep slumber. And it's usually not the movie itself but just a part in it that you can completely relate with.
The movie that is responsible for causing all the trouble and turmoil is "2 States".
I know uncanny right. Believe me it's not the romance or love story or the mushy love stuff. The movie is no doubt an eye candy and filled with cliches that you are bound to expect in a romantic movie. But it's not the cute and cuddly stuff at all that tweaked my emotions. It's the father-son relationship, that is portrayed so beautifully and ingeniously acted on by talented Ronit Roy who nailed the character.
For most parts it's a strained relationship where the son doesn't talk to father for their past rifts and his father's temper and dominance and demons of the past. Though the father triesmany times, in his own stiff manner, to communicate with his son. But the son won't have any of it till very end where his father does something so unexpected that proves his love.

Watching the character of father unravel, I realize how similar the situation is with me and my father. Now don't get me wrong I love my father but for most parts we have a strained relationship. And I have had always blamed his temper, blatant opinions and dominating character, until today. I realized that I am no better. Infact for most parts I am rude, insolent and bratty. I can see that he tries to be less of all those things, tries to communicate in his own way. He is not a man to show emotions quickly and open up. His emotions are camouflaged by his blunt manner but they hold a truth in them. The truth that I would rather not hear. I realized he tries but I don't. And isn't it the story of our budding generation? Don't deny it.
Our parents are not molded to accept the new ways easily. They are rigid. They have had their experiences. It's difficult for them to change. But they try in their ways. But do we? Do we try to understand them? Why does it feel like we are walking on tight rope while talking to them? If they can try, can't we make an effort to expand the rope into a walkway to accommodate both? Because an undeniable naked truth is they love you and always will and in moments when you need them the most they will be there. And you too love them, no matter how much you think you hate them in the heat of moment.

Here's another thing. The above just doesn't apply to parent-children relationship, but every relationship. Not everyone can open up and do things or say things that you expect them to. Not everyone can show emotions. Not everyone is moulded equally. But that doesn't mean the emotions aren't there. They have their own way of showing it, doing unexpected things. Little as they might be it's a big thing for them to do. It's just the way they are. And only if we can see the little things, the little efforts, Only if we could keep our eyes open we would see how wonderful they are. Try to understand the other person. Do your part because believe it or not they are doing theirs, in their unique ways.

Say sorry. It won't hurt your ego as much as it would salve the hurt of the other.

Smile. Not only is it free it make you look good.

Say thankyou. You never know if you might get another opportunity to be thankful.

Love but don't expect. Keeps you much happier.

Life is simple. Keep it that way.

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