Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie Review : Dark Knight Rises

A tribute to Christopher Nolan’s Epic Masterpiece – The Dark Knight Rises
(Now I am an avid fan of Christopher Nolan’s movies.. but I’ll try to be as unbiased as possible and give this amazing rare breed of a director, who makes movies for his own creative fulfillment while never leaving the epic cinematic sense that has gotten a pop culture following, a well deserve ovation.)

The Dark Knight Rises begins years from where The Dark Knight ended and what follows is a piece of cinematic perfection. The first hour of movie is a slow steady buildup for a journey to doomsday and that when the movie takes a breathtaking pace. The Doomsday in itself is one of the best visual representation of the worst a society can get.

Where The Dark Knight, though a great movie in itself, left us with a sense of gloom at the end, this installment is full of surprises and definitely leaves you with an awed expression while leaving the movie theatre. And yeah the vehicles at disposal of batman are an art in themselves. (And damn, if I wouldn’t want that bike for me!)

Christopher Nolan’s mastery not just the strong story and direction but also lies in his characters. Each character has depth and a story of their own. Our Batman himself is not ever-present but deals a battle with himself; his darkness, his fight with his will and power and fear or lack there of, his self destructiveness.

This is a must watch movie and not just once. Even if I know all the surprises there lies for the viewers I wouldn’t miss to see the story unfold again and again.

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