Monday, January 17, 2011

Kids are kids!

Have you ever observed kids? They have an amusing way of reverting back from a phase or a mood so quickly, like Jack in the box?! It's amusing! Uncanny even!

There goes an impish little kid, happily galloping away, aiming to leap over the super low brick hardly-can-be-called-a-wall divider. And... Thwamp!...he goes down sprawling... For a moment he just stays like that, still and silent... and then starts the wailing... And God! what a racket! How can such a petite little thing make such a lot of noise defies logic? Though, besides the wailing he is still not moving much. So I go there and try to get him wobbly on his feet. The wailing subdues a bit. Thank goodness, for that! This close to the source of all that racket, I might as well be at a risk of damaging my hearing.
So he wobbles, a bit unstably, wiping tears and smearing his face with dirt in the process... and just like that... in what seems like a part of a minute.. his face brightens and he shoots off, galloping towards the nearest just vacant swing, like nothing ever happened. And now he is swinging away merrily with such a vigour that he might as well be falling off again.
Like I said, uncanny!

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