Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life or something like that!

It has happened yet again! I can’t believe it! It has been happening a lot these days. Again here I am slouched on my couch surfing the idiot box called “Television” (expressed by some as a visionary accomplishment of “man”. Till now I must have gone through all ninety-nine channels at least twice and yet could not find any program that could retain my eyes more than a minute. Actually the radiation from the screen is starting to hurt my eyes. Now for the third time I have switch to channel 66 ‘The History channel’ a discovery of ‘The Discovery channel’. I don’t know what they are showing but I can see lady dressed in the late 50’s style drinking what I assume to be tea. Hmm, that makes me wonder how can she drink with her lips so tightly pursed, a mystery that is difficult for me to decipher.

I finally decided to settle down with “The Gossip Girl”, watching it again for the second time in two days. Hey I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy the program. It is, I must say quite enlightening as to the lifestyles of uptown New Yorker’s. (Especially the hot guys they feature)

It is Saturday and I can’t believe that I have spent all my day just reading and sleeping. Though I didn’t have any plans for today (not that I always have any) I still sometimes end up doing something good and almost worthwhile but most of the time just doing exactly that I did today – nothing! Is my life ever going go past reading and sleeping all Saturday?

But I guess right now and for sometime hence the above question is just rhetorical.

Hence I sit down with yet another ‘visionary accomplishment of man’ and decide to type my emotions out on the very MS word, a savior of the bored.

It may seem that I’m droning and that I don’t enjoy my life at all, well though it is true up to some degree, it is not entirely that way. I just had the best Diwali ever in past 7 years. And not only that, but after three days of complete contentment of the vagabond side of mine, I had yet another opportunity to spend the day with my closest family members in a days trip to a temple. We did what all families tend to do on such a day picnic – traveling, taking photos in my not-so-newly acquired digital camera, which is one of my treasures, made fun of each other, discussion (especially it was most apparent in between my mother and my aunt. They were so involved in their conversation, both talking at the same time that I completely lost track of the subject, not that I bothered to keep update with them). The above all activities also include getting us completely tired by the end of the day.

However fun the trip/ trips might be in times to come you tend to forget all that. It is the same reason why I chose to put it in words (thought I cannot put everything in word. I guess some emotions are best left unexpressed.), so that whenever I look back, at times I’m sad or otherwise, I have an opportunity to remember and get contentment, however momentary it might be!

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